Monday, March 1, 2010

Chateau Tanunda, Barossa Valley 22/02/2010

Chateau Tanunda, a beautifully renovated building, with great tastings! Dale got an appreciation for red wine here, and continued on at Jacobs Creek
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McLaren Vale, 18/02/2010

Dale "horsing around" at Hugh Hamilton vineyard, McLaren Vale. The motto of this winery is a black sheep with "Everyone family has one"....
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Victor Harbor, 18/02/2010

The horse drawn tram is a feature on the jetty to Granite Island, at Victor Harbor
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Robe, the Limestone Coast

The Coastline is slowly erroding away. This beacon, at Robe, could fall away at any time!
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Mt Gambier, 13/02/2010

Mt Gambier's Blue Lake. A truly fascinating body of water. It changes colour to a steel blue/grey in Autumn every year.
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